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I'm a reader, hear me roar!

rita, 22. ♥ books.


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White Cat (The Curse Workers, #1)
Holly Black
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn
Rainbow Rowell


Wonder - R.J. Palacio This is a beautifully written story about a ten-year-old boy, who has to deal with going to a real school for the first time and at the same time dealing with how people treat him.I could not put the novel down, I was fascinated. It has such a great message about kindness and friendship and I just adored it.The switching of the perspectives gave more depth to all the different characters and to their feelings.I also loved the Star Wars references and that Auggie is into science.There were things that I at first thought were mean and not that nice to say to Auggie, but when I read from that other person's perspective I would understand how that was meant and that even if it wasn't very nice in the beginning, it was just a human reaction.I am surprised how much I loved this story. I didn't expect it to have that much depth, it being a middle grade fiction novel, but I was proven wrong and I definitely will continue reading MG-fiction, as I really like this genre and I hope to come across some more that have a message like this novel did.