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rita, 22. ♥ books.


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White Cat (The Curse Workers, #1)
Holly Black
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn
Rainbow Rowell
Fallout - Ellen Hopkins What a great ending to the trilogy!I did not expect that it would take me so damn long to read this novel, but work and school were very stressful and I didn't have time for anything. But taking me so long to read it did not mean that I haven't enjoyed reading this.I loved how the story took place twenty years after Kristina's demise with the monster. It is told from three different perspectives: Hunter, Autumn and Summer. They are three of her five kids and the story was about how Kristina's addiction affected them in several ways. It was gripping and authentic and I loved reading about all of the different characters. All of them had problems and they were trying to cope with those problems as well as with being a teenager and not having/having their mother in their life. The writing was great. I will definitely read more of Ellen Hopkins in the future. Her writing style is just too good not to read any more of it. Also her storywriting brings everything to the point and I love the rawness and authenticity of it.
Who Could That Be At This Hour? - Lemony Snicket, Seth 4.5 starsThis was such an adventurous story. I enjoyed reading about this mystery with all of these little twists, it sure was a lot of fun. Lemony Snicket was a witty character, who had the right sense of right and wrong and his investigative style was just great to follow. The other characters like Moxie and Ellington as well as the Bellerophon brothers were really awesome and I hope to read more of all of them in the next installment of the series. I also loved the setting of an almost abandoned city and all of the illustrations gave the story such a great and eerie atmosphere. I fell in love with the story right away. I hope to read the sequel very soon because I do want to know what will happen next. Daniel Handler aka Lemony Snicket sure knows how to write amazing stories!
Beauty Queens - Libba Bray This book was just so amazing!It had me laughing out loud quite a few times. The satirical story overall was just so much fun.I loved the commercial breaks, the product placement, the stereotypical beauty queens as well as the clichéd pirates and the black shirts as well.The Teen Dreamers were all likable. I was empathizing with them, especially after a bit of backstory to each girl was revealed. Their issues were more extensive than a broken nail or a hairy armpit, although it first looked like there could be nothing more important than the beauty pageant.Also the writing was awesome. It was like The Corporation had a quick read through this novel and then put in all of the information to the different products and the Word from the Sponsor-chapters in it.This was definitely a great and different reading experience and I enjoyed and loved it so much.

Six Earlier Days

Six Earlier Days - David Levithan I really enjoyed reading more from A's life and about the other people that were involved. Novellas are for me, like always, way too short. I would have liked to get to know A better and learn more of his/her feelings and thoughts.The writing was, as expected, very beautiful. I look forward to read more of David Levithan's works!
Every Day - David Levithan This was a wonderfully written novel.I loved it, but I hated it at the same time.The writing, the premise and the change of characters every day was incredibly interesting and wonderful and I loved reading this novel. It had been such a wonderful story.But the hate I had against Rhiannon was great as well. She appeared right in the first chapter and took over A's life completely. He deliberately changed his hosts' lives just to go after his obsession. It was not that I didn't like her as a character, she was decent. I also understood why she was so torn between A him-/herself and the every day changing appearance A was forced to live with. But overall I didn't understand why A was so obsessed and in love with Rhiannon and what it made A do in order to get what he/she wants.I also thought of A as a male, right from the beginning. I don't know if this has to do something with the fact that A falls in love with Rhiannon, a girl. Or if this is just something that I thought about as a reader because he does seem male to me. A was just this person who could identify with everybody he spent a day with and I really liked how kind he was and didn't try to exploit his hosts.The writing was just beautiful. I found so many quotes in this novel that I absolutely adored. I have to re-read the novel some time in the future and mark all of the great quotes.I definitely want to read the novella Six Earlier Days to enjoy more of David Levithan's writing and also read his other works.

Shadows (A Lux Novella)

Shadows - Jennifer L. Armentrout It was nice to read a bit of a background story about the Lux and what really happened to Dawson and Bethany.Getting to know Bethany and Dawson was adorable, they were such a cute couple. Their fate is more than unfortunate, it is aa tragic love story after all. It is more understandable now why Daemon is the way he is towards humans. As this was "only" a little bit of background info as well as a short story in the Lux series, I don't really have more to say to this, I enjoyed reading it and getting to know a bit more of the Lux's life from Dawson's point of view.I am excited to continue on with the series and see how Katy and Daemon's relationship will develop and how much of a role the story of Bethany and Dawson will maybe (?) play in it.
Butter - Erin Jade Lange 3.5 starsThe premise of this novel is what got me hooked in the first place. I have read a few issue books dealing with eating disorders. This one was a bit different and I enjoyed reading it.The characters didn't really stand out to me, but the story itself was really interesting. Butter was blinded by the popularity he was given because of his plan to eat himself to death. I rooted for him to wake up, to see the truth behind his popularity. All in all, I wanted to know how Butter would decide, how the story would turn out in the end. I really liked how the story developed and the ending was great. There was a quite obvious moral to the story and it was moving.
Winger - Andrew  Smith Wow. This book just gave me all of the feels.I knew from the first page that I would like this novel.The humor and the crudeness were definitely snort-worthy and I had to laugh out loud quite a few times.The comic strips were a big plus for me - I love it, when books have a few illustrations in them. Ryan Dean was a great main character. He just had balls and a great humor. I liked how he developed throughout the book. It was so much fun to read! I love settings in boarding schools and I just devoured this one. I read this almost 500-page book in only two sittings!It amazes me how I was laughing for the first 400 pages and the book was more of a light and fun read and then everything changes. The writing is more serious and I knew that something was going to happen and then BAM! all of the feelings came pouring over me and I started crying.In the end it was more of an intense read than I expected. And I loved every second of it!

Obsidian (A Lux Novel)

Obsidian - Jennifer L. Armentrout 4.5 starsWow, that was a fun story! Although I'm not that big of a fan of paranormal romance, it was a lot of fun to read this!I really enjoyed reading about Katy and Daemon's bickering. They just had the funniest love/hate relationship. It was so much fun how Daemon always managed to banter Katy because of their sexual tension.Katy was such a great main character. I just LOVED that she loved books. She went to the library, had a book blog and even filmed her book hauls. Reading is always a plus for me and as there are not many people that read. At least I only know of my virtual friends, who read, so when a character in a book is a reader as well, the character is almost always at once likable. She was very likable indeed. She didn't annoy me at all and she wasn't whiny or needy. She was feisty and strong and she had her own opinions and could stand up for herself. I am really excited how she will develop in the sequels.Daemon was your typical main character. It is a bit of a cliché, but he was broody and mysterious, that is nothing new. But! Although he was a bit of a stereotypical character from a paranormal romance novel, he also dissociated himself from other male main characters. He just passionately hated the female main character. Or at least he tried to.Dee was a bit too quirky for my taste, but she proved herself to be a real friend for Katy, which I really appreciated.The only thing that bugged me, was that all of the aliens had to look perfect. Why can't they be flawed? At least in the aspect of looks. I don't understand why these paranormal creatures have to always look perfect?But other than that I really enjoyed the story and am excited to read on with the series!
Truly, Madly, Deadly - Hannah Jayne The premise was so interesting and had an eerie feel to it. But the story that I have read did not fulfill my expectations.I thought for the most part that a lot of things that were described or said completely unnecessary. I just didn't care about it.The stalking part was a bit creepy, but I had figured it out pretty fast, so it wasn't surprising or thrilling at the end. Also I would have thought that the part of the abusive relationship would play a bigger role, but I just didn't get what I expected. The characters weren't really deep and I didn't really care for them, either.Sawyer just annoyed for most of the time.The only characters that I found mildly interesting were Sawyer's parents. There could have been a little more depth to their relationship and also more story.All in all this was a fast read although I am quite disappointed with it. It just didn't fulfill my expectations and fell flat for me very quickly.
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote Breakfast at Tiffany's:I have never seen the movie, but I definitely didn't expect this. Holly was not as classy and glamorous as I thought she would be, she was quirky and modern and I really warmed up to her and her behaviour quickly.Although I thought that her behaviour and her actions were irrational quite a few times, it suited her.I also liked that the story was told from "Fred's" POV, who was a writer and lived in the same house as Holly did.The end was kind of abrupt, but it was fine by me, I enjoyed the story.4/5 starsHouse of Flowers:I didn't know what to expect of the short stories, but I liked this one a lot. It reminded me a bit of some fairy tales that I have read when I was younger. Not more to say, as the stories were pretty short.3/5 starsA Diamond Guitar:This was not as interesting as the previous short story, but it was still alright. I liked the theme of friendship in this one.2.5/5 starsA Christmas Memory:This one was not for me. I was just simply bored and didn't get the point of the story at all.1/5 starsA total of: 2,63 stars
Life Before Legend (Legend, #0.5) - Marie Lu That was a nice addition to the story.I liked that this novel was split in two parts: one for Day and one for June.It was interesting to see how life was for both of them three years before Legend.I thought that this novel would stop me from lusting after Prodigy that much, but now I just can't wait to get my hands onto a copy of it!!
Legend  - Marie Lu Oh. My. God. What an adventure!I didn't think that I would like this novel that much because the beginning was slow for me. It took me quite a few chapters to get into the story. But as soon as I did, I was captivated. The world building was phenomenal. I loved how everything in their world was unclear to June and Day and how the mystery slowly unfolded.The main characters were likeable immediately. It was very cool that they both had a lot of things in common, but were still so different because of their origins.I am excited to continue the series. I hooe that Prodigy will be a rollercoaster ride, just like Legend was.
Living Dead Girl - Elizabeth Scott This was my first audiobook and I must say that I really enjoyed it.Kate Reinders had a very nice reading voice and read it very authentic and it suited all of the characters and although I usually fall asleep when listening to audiobooks, I must say that this was a nice little adventure because I was hooked from the first few minutes.The story that is told from Alice's perspective is gripping and horrifying at the same time.Alice tells the reader about her feelings, about her everyday life, about everything. And she seems so genuine. And I felt so sorry for her and I wanted her to be able to do something and she couldn't and wouldn't and argh!!Also, Ray. This #!$@*!! I couldn't stand him. I guess, he was supposed to be that way and to me it was clear from almost the beginning, why he was doing these things (years of crime tv shows have taught me that) and although he had suffered, it was no reason to start hurting other people.Adding other supporting characters to the story who didn't suspect anything added to the whole atmosphere; I rooted for Alice the whole time.I am really able to say something about the writing style, as I didn't really read this, but I loved how it was told, so I fell in love with the beautiful writing albeit the not so pretty story itself.
Glass  - Ellen Hopkins What a fast-paced read!This was so addicting and it suited the story around the crank.I was shocked to read about her neglecting her son because of drugs. It was horrifying to read about it. What is way more terrifying was that the story was based on a true story and that this really happened to someone.The writing was as always great and I really loved reading in verse.I want to finish this trilogy and see what will happen in the next installment. This really is quite addictive.
Snowscape (Chaos Walking, #3.5) - Patrick Ness The story itself was interesting, but I didn't really care about the characters because most of them were never mentioned before, but I liked reading more about Wilf and Lee and about their little adventure.But what I heard a lot of people say and that's my opinion as well:The last sentence was the most important one.It gave the whole trilogy a perfect ending and I loved it. I even teared up.Such a great ending.